A heart felt thank you to everyone who donated in June!!! We are so grateful for your support!!! Thank you!!!
1971818 Alberta Ltd.
901958 AB Ltd. O/A South Ridge Farms
AG3 Canada
Allen, Jette
Anonymous Donor
Archer, Clarence & Sandra
Bader, Jan
Barber, T Jewel
Bauer, Norman & Jean
Bekkering, David
Benevity - Mark Johnson
Beresh, Beverley
Borea Construction
Brandon Area Community Foundation
Brudey Farms Inc.
Buchanan Cooper, Katherine
Burke, Kevin
Bushell, Myrna & Gordon
Capstone Infrastructure Corporation
Cargill Animal Nutrition
Carmangay Lions Club
Cessford Firefighters Association
Cole's Event Tent Rentals
CFSEA - Donna MacLean Fund
Connect First Credit Union
Craig, Steve
Cypress County
Davies, William & Sandra
Delaurier, Duane
Delver, Curtis
Downey Lake Hutterite Colony
Dressler, Lisa
Dry Country Gas Co-Op Ltd.
Durand, Glen & Crystal
Eagle Butte School Safe Grad
Eaton, E M
Emerson, Heather
Enercon Canada Inc.
Flat Valley Farm Ltd.
Flatland Builders
Forty Mile Gas Co-Op Ltd.
Franko, Cindi
Fripzler, Richard
G. Stegen Ranches Ltd.
Gair, Clayton
Geigle Farm & Ranch Ltd.
GFL Environmental Inc.
Gomke, Krista
Grandview Cattle Feeders
Groenenboom, Aaron
Groenenboom, Dan
Harbidge, Jim
Harrison, Adeline
Hartnan, Annelise
Heffernan, Andrew
Heiland, Andrei
Hemisphere Energy Corporation
Hider, Cassi
Hill, Joe
Hoffman, Denis
Hudec, Larry
Ireland, Lisa
Iron Horse Energy Services
ITS Global
Jaques, Tanya
Jenner Colony Farming Co. Ltd.
Jensen, Gary
Johnson, Mary Joan
Jones, Elizabeth
Kasko, Ryan
Kempthorne, Heather
Klok, Wayne & Sylvia
Kolk, Leighton
Liboiron, Trevor & Kristi
Lions Club of Medicine Hat
Lough, Ruth
Lowry, Jenny
Macias, Armando
Mack, Gerald & Dale
Mannion, Damian
Marfleet Veterinary Services
Mayer, Erica
Mayer, Michele
Mayfield Colony of Etzikom
Medicine Hat Feeding Co.
Medicine Hat Tiger Hockey Club Ltd.
Ment, Richard
Methanex Corporation
Miller, Alex
Moens, Adrian
Musgrove Enterprises Ltd.
Nesmo, Cecil
Nield, William
Niggli, Trudy
Noble, Penny
Osadczuk, Brad
Osadczuk, Donald
Ott, Wendy
Palliser Sales
Paskal, Craig
Paterson, Mike
Pat's Off-Road Transport Ltd.
Pender, Rose
Pick, Dawn & Josh
Pigott, Heather
Potentia Renewables
Promax Agronomy Services Ltd.
Quigley, Brendan
Reuer, Hazel & Harvey
Rimrock Feeders
Robinson, Amanda
Rose, Tom
Rubuliak, Rill
Schooten & Sons
Shemko, Nicholas
Shipwheel Cattle Feeders Ltd.
Short Grass Ranches Ltd.
Simpson, Ken
Slingerland Feeders
Slomp, Al
Slozka, Ryan
Smith Group Holdings Ltd.
Smith, Hannah
Smith, Shaun
Smith, William & Kim
Sookoor, Neela
Southern Outlaw Mud Bog
Spring Creek Farming Co. Ltd.
Starner, Cummins
Steadman, Craig
Strodder, Dale
Stronks, Glen
Sun City Ford Ltd.
Thompson, G.
Torsius, Willem & Elly
Traverse, Zachary
Trouw Nutrition
Union of National Defence Employees
Van Dyk, Mike
Van Sluys Dairy Solutions Ltd.
Volk, Andrew & Kendra
Vossler, Gary
Waeckerlin, Daniel
Wagner, C
Waldron, Brenda
Williams, Peter
Wilson, Crystal
Ypma, Keith
Zuidhof, Martin
#inflightforyourlife #yxh #yql #southernalberta #medhat #HEMS #haloairambulance #lethbridge #strongertogether
